When I put an event into a stream using the AWS CLI, I can pass JSON in and get it back out, after decoding from base64. When I try to put an event using Amazonica, from Clojure, I am having a hard time formatting the event data parameter correctly though.
(kinesis/put-record "ad-stream" {:ad-id "some-id"} "parition-key"))
creates an event with a base64 encoded data field of "TlBZCAAAABXwBhsAAAACagVhZC1pZGkHc29tZS1pZA=="
, which decodes to
If I JSON encode the data first:
(kinesis/put-record "ad-stream" (json/write-str {:ad-id "some-id-2"}) "parition-key")
then I get an event with less junk characters, but it still isn't quite perfect, not good enough to read in other apps without breaking something:
What is the significance of that leading junk, when converting Clojure maps to JSON? How to I pass a simple object to kinesis?
The tests show a plain map being passed as put-record
's data parameter, I don't understand yet why that didn't just work for me:
(let [data {:name "any data"
:col #{"anything" "at" "all"}
:date now}
sn (:sequence-number (put-record my-stream data (str (UUID/randomUUID))))]
(put-record my-stream data (str (UUID/randomUUID)) sn))
(Thread/sleep 3000)
(def shard (-> (describe-stream my-stream)
I'm pretty sure that this is a bug in the library (or the serializer that it uses), so I'm continuing the investigation in a bug report at https://github.com/mcohen01/amazonica/issues/211.
Passing a ByteBuffer
of a JSON string as the record data works for me.
(kinesis/put-record "ad-stream"
(-> {:ad-id "ad-stream"}
json/write-str .getBytes ByteBuffer/wrap)
Record data: "eyJhZC1pZCI6ImFkLXN0cmVhbSJ9"
, which decodes to:
This works around any encoding issue in the library, because Amazonica skips encoding when it is passed a ByteBuffer