
Batch file working differently if ran in administrator mode

I've been trying to create batch file for converting files in a directory. The directory is being given via this code:

@echo off

rem // setting input directory
set/p "inputdir=Input directory: "

rem // if input is invalid, prompt again
if not exist "%inputdir%" (
echo Directory does not exist.
echo "%inputdir%"
goto input1 

It works well - normally. However, because I've considered using environmental variables later on, I also tried running it as administrator. However - the problem is, that when i run it normally, it takes the directory, script continues without a problem. When I run in administrator more, it acts as "Directory does not exist"

It works normally for locations on C: and D: drives, this issue comes up for O: and P: drives, which are made by subst.

Any idea how to solve this problem? Thank you


  • Normal and elevated ("run as administrator") processes do not share drive mappings (by default) or substd drives. If you run a process in an elevated context, you'll have to map the drives there or map them in an elevated context (e.g. run cmd.exe as an administrator) before you attempt to start the target script.

    Reference: Some Programs Cannot Access Network Locations When UAC Is Enabled