I have succesfully registered two point clouds of the same scene obtained from different camera positions. Color values are different due to changes in light condition between both positions. I would like to know how to perform a smart color blending between two aligned point clouds in order to obtain an uniform color along the global model. Any idea?
I enclose a capture where you can see how color is darker in the cloud on the right.
I was trying to adapt image blending approaches to 3D point clouds, but it's not straightforward at all, so I applied an easier solution that solved my problem for the moment.
Since texture changes are mainly given by changes in scene lighting due to different camera positions, theoretically just a exposure compensation between both clouds should provide good results. I've fixed my problem extending a standard approach of 2D exposure compensation to a 3D scenario. Concretely, just a gain compensation (point 6 of the paper) is enough if the lighting difference is low enough.