How can I create a custom dataset for 3D object detection, I want to use the "Stanford3dDataset" or "Scannet" as baseline and add my object of interest in the dataset. I have the PCD files captured from the 3D camera [Realsense] and for 3D object detection, I am using the Pointnet model.
I see the dataset has the text file as input instead of PCD or PLY format, how do I convert PLY/PCD files to text files.
import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
# Load saved point cloud
pcd_load ="try.ply")
# convert PointCloud to numpy array
xyz_load = np.asarray(pcd_load.points)
# Save points into a text file
np.savetxt('test.txt', xyz_load)`
More information is available in the link - NumPy <-> open3d.PointCloud