
Force weblogic to exclude IncludeTimestamp from generated wsdl

I have an EJB that plays the role of my web service class too. I use Oracle Weblogic 12.1.2 as JavaEE container. Here is the code of that class:

@Policy(uri = "Wssp1.2-2007-Https-UsernameToken-Plain.xml", attachToWsdl=true)
public class MyWebServiceBean{
// some web methods ...

The attached policy and its corresponding wsse tags is properly can be seen in generated WSDL file. However, there is a IncludeTimestamp tag in the generated file that forces clients to send Timestamp in their request. As in my environment clients may have different times, I perefer not to force them to send the time! Then I simply omit the IncludeTimestamp Tag from the server wsdl and everything goes well after that! But I do not want to handle it by hand. Is there any setting in weblogic 12.1.2 to configure existence of mentioned tag?


  • After a lot reading and searching for this matter i found that we should create Custom Policy. Firstly we should find the xml file of the desired policy. Flow this post to do so. Then we should edit it and copy the edited version in our classpath and for @Policy annotation we should use new address of our xml file! That's it.