I am currently uploading an image to my server doing the following:
func (base *GuildController) GuildLogo(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
logo, _, err := req.FormFile("logo")
defer logo.Close()
logoGif, format, err := image.Decode(logo)
if err != nil {
base.Error = "Error while decoding your guild logo"
logoImage, err := os.Create(pigo.Config.String("template")+"/public/guilds/"+ps.ByName("name")+".gif")
if err != nil {
base.Error = "Error while trying to open guild logo image"
defer logoImage.Close()
//resizedLogo := resize.Resize(64, 64, logoGif, resize.Lanczos3)
err = gif.Encode(logoImage, logoGif, &gif.Options{
if err != nil {
base.Error = "Error while encoding your guild logo"
So everything is working good. But gifs lose the animation.
For example here is a gif I want to upload
And here is the saved one
Not sure what I am doing wrong
As hinted in the comments, you are just working with one frame:
func Decode(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error)
Decode reads a GIF image from r and returns the first embedded image as an image.Image.
But you need
func DecodeAll(r io.Reader) (*GIF, error) DecodeAll reads a GIF image from r and returns the sequential frames and timing information.
func EncodeAll(w io.Writer, g *GIF) error
EncodeAll writes the images in g to w in GIF format with the given loop count and delay between frames.
Look at this post for details.
Here's an example that slows down the image to 0.5s each frame:
package main
import (
func main() {
logo, err := os.Open("yay.gif")
if err != nil {
defer logo.Close()
inGif, err := gif.DecodeAll(logo)
if err != nil {
outGif, err := os.Create("done.gif")
if err != nil {
defer outGif.Close()
for i := range inGif.Delay {
inGif.Delay[i] = 50
if err := gif.EncodeAll(outGif, inGif); err != nil {
Even if in my browser (Firefox) I see the output image animated, and I can see the the frames in The GIMP, I cannot see it animated on my desktop viewers (gifview, comix). I do not know (yet) what is the cause of this.