I have to admit that I am still not "there" yet when it comes to working efficiently with monads, so please forgive me if this is an easy question. I also have to apologize for not supplying working code, as this questions more related to a concept than an actual implementation that I am currently working on.
I'm working against an SQLite(3) database, and of course would like to send queries to it and get results back. Being already in IO, the fetchAllRows
function returns an [[SqlValue]]
which needs to be converted. With SQLite being very liberal in terms of what is text and what is floating point values (and Haskell not being liberal at all when it comes to types), safe conversion using safeFromSql
seems appropriate. Now, if you manage to do all this in one function you would end up with that function being
myfunc :: String -> [SqlValue] -> IO [[ Either ConvertError a]]
or something like that, right? It seems to me that working with that structures of nested monads may be common enough (and cumbersome enough) for there to be a standard way of making it easier to work with that I am not aware of?
The issue is, it seems, only solved by some specific functions, and then most clearly in do syntax. The functions below solve the issue within the direct-sqlite3 package access to SQLite database (and also inserts a REGEXP handler).
import Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString as PCRE
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text (pack,Text,append)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Database.SQLite3
pcreRegex :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> IO Int64
pcreRegex reg b = do
reC <- pcreCompile reg
re <- case reC of
(Right r) -> return r
(Left (off,e) ) -> fail e
reE <- PCRE.execute re b
case reE of
(Right (Just _)) -> return (1 :: Int64)
(Right (Nothing)) -> return (0 :: Int64)
(Left (c,e)) -> fail e -- Not a good idea maybe, but I have no use for error messages.
where pcreCompile = PCRE.compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt
sqlRegexp :: FuncContext -> FuncArgs -> IO ()
sqlRegexp ctx args = do
r <- fmap encodeUtf8 $ funcArgText args 0
t <- fmap encodeUtf8 $ funcArgText args 1
res <- pcreRegex r t
funcResultInt64 ctx res
getRows :: Statement -> [Maybe ColumnType] -> [[SQLData]] -> IO [[SQLData]]
getRows stmt coltypes acc = do
r <- step stmt
case r of
Done -> return acc
Row -> do
out <- typedColumns stmt coltypes
getRows stmt coltypes (out:acc)
runQuery q args columntypes dbFile = do
conn <- open $ pack dbFile
createFunction conn "regexp" (Just 2) True sqlRegexp
statement <- prepare conn q
bind statement args
res <- fmap reverse $ getRows statement (fmap Just columntypes) [[]]
Database.SQLite3.finalize statement
deleteFunction conn "regexp" (Just 2)
close conn
return $ res
Hope this helps someone out here.