
What is required to extend an Untyped Lambda calculus implementation to cover the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus?

Matt Might talks about implementing a Lambda Calculus interpreter in 7 lines of Scheme:

; eval takes an expression and an environment to a value
(define (eval e env) (cond
  ((symbol? e)       (cadr (assq e env)))
  ((eq? (car e) 'λ)  (cons e env))
  (else              (apply (eval (car e) env) (eval (cadr e) env)))))

; apply takes a function and an argument to a value
(define (apply f x)
  (eval (cddr (car f)) (cons (list (cadr (car f)) x) (cdr f))))

; read and parse stdin, then evaluate:
(display (eval (read) '())) (newline)

Now this is not the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus. In the core of Haskell, there is an Intermediate Language that bears a strong resemblance to System F. Some (including Simon Peyton Jones) have called this an implementation of the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus.

My question is: What is required to extend an Untyped Lambda calculus implementation to cover the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus?


  • It is quite unclear what you are asking, but I can think of a couple of valid answers: