
React-router Link, pass in params

If you have a route such as:

<Route path="/users/:userId" />

And then you export that route, and so it can be used across your app, such as:

export const MY_ROUTE = '/users/:userId/';

<Route path={MY_ROUTE} />

How do you set the param in a link dynamically? i.e. I would like to do this:

<Link to={MY_ROUTE} params={{userId: 1}} />

but params is totally ignored... and query just makes a query (?userId=) not a param... any ideas?


  • Taken from React Router official docs:

    From the upgrade guide from 1.x to 2.x:

    <Link to>, onEnter, and isActive use location descriptors

    <Link to> can now take a location descriptor in addition to strings. The query and state props are deprecated.

    // v1.0.x

    <Link to="/foo" query={{ the: 'query' }}/>

    // v2.0.0

    <Link to={{ pathname: '/foo', query: { the: 'query' } }}/>

    Unfortunately, there's no support for passing in a param object, you yourself saw that.

    In order to dynamically use the route you proposed, you would have to do something along the lines of:

    <Link to={ MY_ROUTE.replace(':userId', '<someUserIdFromSomewhere>') }/>

    Or you could further optimize by instead of exporting a string for MY_ROUTE, you could export a userLink function as such:

    function userLink(userId) {
        return `/users/${userId}/`;

    and then use that wherever you would want to use a Link to the route.

    Below you can find supported parameters and API exposed on the Link component:

    Router Link API