
rails teaspoon Testing in engine Not loading *_spec.js

i'm working on an engine (gem) that has some js code to be tested but seems i can't get it working. I've followed the wiki article and set a basic example, but i'm only getting 0 examples, 0 failures.

Steps done:

The problem is that when i try to run the test engine, i'm getting:

    $> teaspoon 
    Starting the Teaspoon server...
    Thin web server (v1.7.0 codename Dunder Mifflin)
    Maximum connections set to 1024
    Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
    Teaspoon running default suite at

    Finished in 0.01600 seconds
    0 examples, 0 failures

I've also try to run the following commands, with the same result:

I have not much idea of what is not working. As non standard app, i'm using es6 through browserify-rails (which is working ok), and got in engine.rb:

    config.browserify_rails.paths = [
        lambda { |p| p.start_with?(MyEngineName::Engine.root.join("app").to_s) }

Any help or clue would be much appreciated.


I've created an engine from strach so it is easy to check and reproduce the issue.

Repo Engine example

In particular, the commit related to the teaspoon setup is this one


  • It is due to the arrow function in your test. Change it to vanilla JS to make it work:

    it("Bang", function() {

    The browser option works just fine with es6.