My Problem is why Inno Setup Compiler (Unicode or ANSI) and any Setups made by it don't minimize showing a nice Minimizing Animation like in Other Windows Programs?
It displays a very basic Minimize Animation..........Why that?
I know Borland Delphi
as Inno Setup Compiler's Compiler, but Borland Delphi
doesn't have such a bad Minimize Animation...........It minimizes normally as Windows System Windows minimize (such as Explorer, Computer, Control Panel).................
I also noticed that the Windows Installer Creater Nullsoft Scriptable Install System - NSIS
and Setups made using it are also minimizing well like I said.
How can I resolve this problem?
I also added a code to play that nice Zooming Minimize / Restore Animation can be seen in Many Windows Applications on Inno Setup's WizardForm
, But when I click the WizardForm
's Minimize Button after adding this code to Inno Setup Compiler's Source Code, the Nice Zooming animation not plays and it never can be minimized using it, it only can be minimized using Taskbar button after adding this code. So it means this code not working or anything else wrong...........Why this is not working???
The Code I Added to unit WizardForm
TTrayZoom = class(TObject)
class function GetTrayRect: TRect;
class procedure DoZoom(const Wnd: HWND; const Src, Dest: TRect);
class procedure ZoomToTray(const Wnd: HWND);
class procedure ZoomFromTray(const Wnd: HWND);
class procedure TTrayZoom.DoZoom(const Wnd: HWND; const Src, Dest: TRect);
DrawAnimatedRects(Wnd, IDANI_CAPTION, Src, Dest);
class function TTrayZoom.GetTrayRect: TRect;
TaskbarWnd, TrayWnd: HWND;
TaskbarWnd := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);
TrayWnd := FindWindowEx(TaskbarWnd, 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', nil);
GetWindowRect(TrayWnd, Result);
class procedure TTrayZoom.ZoomFromTray(const Wnd: HWND);
WndRect: TRect;
GetWindowRect(Wnd, WndRect);
DoZoom(Wnd, GetTrayRect, WndRect);
class procedure TTrayZoom.ZoomToTray(const Wnd: HWND);
WndRect: TRect;
GetWindowRect(Wnd, WndRect);
DoZoom(Wnd, WndRect, GetTrayRect);
And I called TTrayZoom.ZoomToTray
from if WMSysCommand..... = SCMINIMIZE
and called TTrayZoom.ZoomFromTray
from if WMSysCommand..... = SCRESTORE
with the setting HWND
parameter to WizardForm.Handle
But those codes never works, I even don't know if they're get called or not. :(
What is the problem playing this Zooming Animation in this WizardForm
This should be fixed in Inno Setup 6.4:
Old answer: I'd say there were two issues.
The animation is shown for windows that have a task bar button. The wizard form did not have a task bar button.
The task bar button of the installer belonged to a hidden main window.
Historically the installers had full screen background gradient blue windows. Even Inno Setup supported that.
While that background window was no longer enabled by default for many years already (the WindowVisible
directive defaulted to No
in modern versions of Inno Setup), it still existed and owned the task bar button.
Inno Setup was built using an ancient version of Delphi that likely did not play nicely with the minimize feature.
Generally, I'd say you should file a feature request/bug report to get this fixed.