I've read the following post. My Code looks exactly the same, but does not work:
Inno Setup Checking for running process
I copied the example from http://www.vincenzo.net/isxkb/index.php?title=PSVince
But the example doesn't work either, even if I change the code like this:
function IsModuleLoaded(modulename: AnsiString): Boolean;
external 'IsModuleLoaded@files:psvince.dll stdcall';
The code always returns false
(the program is not running, even it is running).
Tested at Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
In fact I want to check, if the tomcat5.exe
is running or not. So I think I can't work with a AppMutex
I have also seen https://code.google.com/p/psvince/source/detail?r=5
But I can't find any facts about compatibility of that DLL.
Complete code:
Source: psvince.dll; Flags: dontcopy
function IsModuleLoaded(modulename: AnsiString ): Boolean;
external 'IsModuleLoaded@files:psvince.dll stdcall';
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
if(IsModuleLoaded( 'notepad.exe' )) then
MsgBox('Running', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := false;
MsgBox('Not running', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := true;
Unfortunately psvince.dll cannot query 64 bit running processes based on my observation, and as I am not its developer, I don't know how to fix it to work on Windows x64.
My workaround is to use a home-cooked command line utility, processviewer.exe,
This has been tested on Windows 7 x64 in Touch Mouse Mate