
Delete a specific user from Firebase

Is there a way I can get a specific user account from firebase and then delete it?

For instance:

// I need a means of getting a specific auth user.
var user = firebase.auth().getUser(uid);
// Note the getUser function is not an actual function.

After, I want to delete that user and their additional data:

// This works
user.delete().then(function() {
   // User deleted.
   var ref = firebase.database().ref(
      "users/".concat(user.uid, "/")

Firebase Documentation states that users can be deleted if they are currently logged in:


My aim is to allow logged in admin user to delete other users from the system.


  • When using the client-side SDKs for Firebase Authentication, you can only delete the user account that is currently signed in. Anything else would be a huge security risk, as it would allow users of your app to delete each other's account.

    The Admin SDKs for Firebase Authentication are designed to be used in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server that you control, or Cloud Functions. Because they run in a trusted environment, they can perform certain operations that the client-side SDKs can't perform, such as deleting user accounts by simply knowing their UID.

    Also see:

    Another common approach is to keep a allowlist/blocklist in for example the Firebase Database and authorize user based on that. See How to disable Signup in Firebase 3.x