
How to put an image from a local drive into a cfdocument file?

This will show me the image in a browser:

<cfset myImage=ImageNew("d:\UploadedDocuments\thumbnails\1487862_page_1.jpg")>
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">

But if I use the same code inside of a .pdf file, it generates a small red x. Is this not possible to do?


  • If the image is already on the drive you don't need CFIMAGE here. You can embed it like so:

    <img src="file:///d:\mysite\images\myimage.jpg" width="50" height="60">

    You could also use an HTTP Path to it as well - store it at a location accessible by your web server through real or virtual directories use the <img> tag like you normally would.

    This post on cfdocument and SSL and this suplimental post on using the file system with cfdocument should help you sort it out.