Khan Academy processing.js uses degrees as default for angle values, but you can modify it by:
Processing.js uses radians as default, but the documentation refers to an angle mode (here as a parameter of rotate function):
angle float: angle of rotation specified in radians or degrees depending on the current angle mode
But I didn't find a function to change it. The code of the rotate function itself suggest that there is no degree mode:
Drawing2D.prototype.rotate = function(angleInRadians) {
Is there a means to change the angle mode?
There is no way to change the mode in the Khan processing.js (pjs) code itself. So you have to convert the values, as Ravi Sharma wrote in his answer.
As I didn't want to do that, to use Khan orginal programs as they are to run in normal processing.js / web environments, that's what I did:
(That is not only converting degrees to radians, but also the mouse and keyboard input)
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var processing = new Processing(canvas, function(processing) {
processing.size(400, 400);
processing.sbShow = false;
var mouseIsPressed = false;
$(".container").on("mousedown touchstart", function(e) {
mouseIsPressed = true;
processing.mouseX = e.pageX;
processing.mouseY = e.pageY;
processing.sbShow = false;
}).on("mouseup touchend", function(e) {
mouseIsPressed = false;
processing.mouseX = e.pageX;
processing.mouseY = e.pageY;
}).on("mousemove touchmove", function(e) {
processing.mouseX = e.pageX;
processing.mouseY = e.pageY;
processing.mousePressed = function () { mouseIsPressed = true; };
processing.mouseReleased = function () { mouseIsPressed = false; };
var keyIsPressed = false;
processing.keyPressed = function () { keyIsPressed = true; };
processing.keyReleased = function () { keyIsPressed = false; };
function getSound(s) {
var url = "sounds/" + s + ".mp3";
return new Audio(url);
function playSound(s) {;
function getImage(s) {
var url = "img/" + s + ".png";
return processing.loadImage(url);
var rotateFn = processing.rotate;
processing.rotate = function(angle) {
var cosFn = processing.cos;
processing.cos = function(angle) {
return cosFn(processing.radians(angle));
var sinFn = processing.sin;
processing.sin = function(angle) {
return sinFn(processing.radians(angle));
with (processing) {
// Insert original Khan academy pjs code (default is degrees) ...
if (typeof draw !== 'undefined') processing.draw = draw;
Note: This is not complete. There are conversions missing for tan, atan, atan2 etc.