
An automatic 'site duplicating and numbering' script

I'm quite new to Google Apps Script and I was wondering if it is possible to create a script which duplicates a template site and 'numbers' the new one's Title, Name, etc..

Here's what I'd want it to do:

  1. copy template site called "site0000"
  2. automatically create sites called site0001, site0002, site0003, etc.
  3. optionally customize each one of them

So far I came up with this very simple copying script that is giving me an error when debugging and creates a blank "site0001" site

function CopySite() {

var siteCopy = SitesApp.copySite("", "site0000", "site0000",
//I have no idea what to put here//)

var site = SitesApp.createSite("", "site0001", 
"site0001", "Site 0001")    



  • .copySite() creates the new site. You don't need to use .createSite() afterwards. So, if you already have a 'site0000' at '' and just want to copy it calling the new one 'site0001', try this

    function copySite(){
    var site = SitesApp.getSite('', 'site0000'); //find the site to copy
    var newSite = SitesApp.copySite('', 'site0001', 'Site 0001', 'Site description', site); //create the new site

    Then you can do what you like with newSite.

    You'll probably want to use variables for the new sites' names, etc. if you are going to be creating multiple of them.