
Edit & Continue doesn't work

I'm trying to get managed Edit & Continue working (in Visual Studio 2015 v14.0.25425.01 update 3) and it's giving me the dreaded dialog, "Changes are not allowed in the following cases:"

some other things:

what else can i try?

PS. if anyone on the VS debugger team is reading this, can i ask a favor? please kill this dialog and replace it with something that indicates the actual cause of the problem. You have the debuggee right there, and the solution, you can determine which of these is causing the problem and you can have a button which fixes the problem with a single click.


  • ok, for posterity. it turns out that the problem was caused by an environment variable (which presumably was configured by the profiler at some point):


    removing this fixes edit & continue.

    it would be great if the error popup could mention this, or even detect it and give you an option to fix it for you...