
Supertab list options, but do NOT auto select

Is there anyway to configure Supertab, the VIM plugin, so that when I enter a portion of code, and hit tab I can continue typing while narrowing down the suggestions?

For Example in java:<tab>

Should show a list of options (print, printf, println), but the text should remain

That is until I hit enter to make a selection.

Also is it possible to see the options, but continue typing to narrow them down?

For Example in c:


displays lots of options (putc, putc_unlocked, puts, etc)

but as soon as I've hit tab SuperTab highlights the highest option and puts that text there, so I'm left to cycle through the remaining options to choose what I want. Would it be possible to just show the menu of options, but continue typing and see the options change as I type?

Thank you!


  • I think you're just looking for this:

    set completeopt=menu,longest    " Use the popup menu by default; only insert the longest common text of the completion matches; don't automatically show extra information in the preview window.

    This is already mentioned in the SuperTab help. Also of interest may be the related g:SuperTabLongestHighlight option.