I have an S3 bucket configured as a website endpoint to host a static web page.
I want to put Cloudfront in front of it.
I copied the "Endpoint" from the S3 Bucket's "Properties" :: "Static Website Hosting."
It is of the form: "example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
When I try to create_distribution using the Aws SDK CloudFront Client I get this Error:
The parameter Origin DomainName does not refer to a valid S3 bucket.
Example Ruby Code is as follows:
cloudfront = Aws::CloudFront::Client.new()
distribution_config: {
origins: {
quantity: 1,
items: [{
id: "Custom-example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
domain_name: "example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
s3_origin_config: {
origin_access_identity: ""
origin_path: ""
I am able to create a distribution with the same "Origin Domain Name" through the GUI as well as through the CLI
aws cloudfront create-distribution \
--origin-domain-name example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com \
--default-root-object index.html
Websites Endpoints that are statically hosted on an S3 bucket need to be configured as an "Origin Type" "custom_origin" and NOT S3_Origin. You can see that this is the case under the "Origins" Tab for the Distribution in the GUI.
Sample Ruby Code:
distribution_config: {
origins: {
quantity: 1,
items: [{
id: "Custom-example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
domain_name: "example.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
custom_origin_config: {
http_port: 80, # required
https_port: 443, # required
origin_protocol_policy: "http-only", # required, accepts http-only, match-viewer, https-only