
Changing Kademlia Metric - Unidirectional Property Importance

Kademlia uses XOR metric. Among other things, this has so called "unidirectional" property (= for any given point x and distance e>0, there is exactly one point y such that d(x,y)=e).

First question is a general question: Is this property of the metric critical for the functionality of Kademlia, or is it just the thing that helps with revealing pressure from certain nodes (as the original paper suggests). In other words, if we want to change the metric, how important is to come with a metric that is "unidirectional" as well?

Second question is about concrete change of the metric: Let's assume we have node identifiers (addresses) as X-bit numbers, would any of the following metric work with Kademlia?

  1. d(x,y) = abs(x-y)
  2. d(x,y) = abs(x-y) + 1/(x xor y)

The first metric simply provides difference between numbers, so for node ID 100 the nodes with IDs 90 and 110 are equally distant, so this is not unidirectional metric. In the second case we fix that adding 1/(x xor y), where we know that (x xor y) is unidirectional, so having 1/(x xor y) should preserve this property.

Thus for node ID 100, the node ID 90 is d(100,90) = 10 + 1/62, while the distance from node ID 110 is d(100,110) = 10 + 1/10.


  • You wouldn't be dealing with kademlia anymore. There are man other routing algorithms which use different distance metrics, some even non-uniform distance metrics, but they do not rely on kademlia-specific assumptions and sometimes incorporate other features to compensate for some undesirable aspect of those metrics.

    Since there can be ties in the metric (two candidates for each point), lookups could no longer converge on a precise set of closest nodes.

    Bucket splitting and other routing table maintenance algorithms would need to be changed since they assume that identical distances can only occur with node identity.

    I'm not sure whether it would affect Big-O properties or other guarantees of kademlia.

    Anyway, this seems like an X-Y problem. You want to modify the metric to serve a particular goal. Maybe you should look for routing overlays designed with that goal in mind instead.

    d(x,y) = abs(x-y) + 1/(x xor y)

    This seems impractical, division on integers suffers from rounding. and in reality you would not be dealing with such small numbers but much larger (e.g. 160bit) numbers, making divisions more expensive too.