
My flex application cannot play a RTMFP stream. NetStream.Play.Failed error

Years ago, I created a SWF application that enabled users to perform online video chat. It used simple SMTFP publish/play method to stream video. Now a few years passed and i am trying to create a backward compatible SWF application.

My problem status:

I tried it with different SDKs (3.6, 4.1, 4.6) and they all fail to play the old swf streams.

I searched the web for the error and documents don't clear anything and they are just saying that it is a general error. There is question in SO that could be related, but it has no answers.

Does anyone know the reason? or any suggestions?


  • I found the problem. It seems like the flash player has changed RTMFP protocol in 11.1 version. There is not much documentation about it and as far as i can understand, I should either upgrade all the flash players or I should upgrade all of the old applications to flex 4 sdk.