I want to capture output which I'm running from the cucumber feature file.
I created one shell script program and placed it in /usr/local/bin/ so it can be accessible from anywhere in system.
abc_qa.sh -
if [[ $arg = 1 ]]
echo $(date)
project structure of cucumber -
aruba -
├── features
│ ├── support
│ │ └── env.rb
│ └── use_aruba_cucumber.feature
├── Gemfile
Gemfile -
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'aruba', '~> 0.14.2'
env.rb -
require 'aruba/cucumber'
use_aruba_cucumber.feature -
Feature: Cucumber
Scenario: First Run
When I run `bash abc_qa.sh 1`
I want to capture this abc_qa.sh program output in the cucumber itself and compare this date is right or wrong by using any kind of simple test and make this test as a pass.
You can use %x(command)
to get the stdout of your command.
You can then use Time.parse to convert "Sat Nov 5 12:04:18 CET 2016"
to 2016-11-05 12:04:18 +0100
as Time object, and compare it to Time.now :
require 'time'
time_from_abc_script = Time.parse(%x(bash abc_qa.sh 1))
puts (Time.now-time_from_abc_script).abs < 5 # No more than 5s difference between 2 times
You could use this boolean in any test file you want.
For example :
In features/use_aruba_with_cucumber.feature
Feature: Cucumber
Scenario: First Run
When I run `bash abc_qa.sh 1`
Then the output should be the current time
and features/step_definitions/time_steps.rb
require 'time'
Then(/^the output should be the current time$/) do
time_from_script = Time.parse(last_command_started.output)
expect(time_from_script).to be_within(5).of(Time.now)