
ansible parse json with several keys with the same name to one list variable

I have an issue to parse a json using ansible I have a task that connected to rancher and get a json file


- uri:
    url: http://rancher.local:8080/v1/hosts
    method: GET
    user: ##################
    password: ################
    body_format: json
  register: hosts_json

- name: test
    rancher_env_hosts: "{{ item.hostname }}"
  #when: item.hostname == "*-i-*"
  with_items: "{{hosts_json.json.data}}"

- name: output
    msg: "hosts: {{rancher_env_hosts}}"

and I get the following json (after edit it to be more readable):

    "json": {
        "data": [
                "hostname": "rancher-i-host-02",
                "id": "adsfsa"
                "hostname": "rancher-i-host-01",
                "id": "gfdgfdg"
                "hostname": "rancher-q-host-01",
                "id": "dfgdg"
                "hostname": "rancher-q-host-02",
                "id": "dfgdg"



When I start the playbook I get only the last host name in the variable and not all the list of hostname. can I register all the list to the same variable?

In addition, I also added a line with the a comment "#" in order to get only the host names that match the string "-i-" bit it's not working. any idea?


  • This is what filters (and this) for:

    - set_fact:
        hosts_all: "{{ hosts_json.json.data | map(attribute='hostname') | list }}"
        hosts_i: "{{ hosts_json.json.data | map(attribute='hostname') | map('regex_search','.*-i-.*') | select('string') | list }}"

    host_all will contain all hostnames, host_i will contain only .*-i-.* matching hostnames.