
Is there a less "hacky" way to check an items visibility?

I am testing a single page app, the navigation page is revealed when the user clicks the appropriate icon. I wanted to check and see prior to clicking if the page is already open. On the page is a company name label. It is only actually visible to the naked eye when the navigation page is displayed.

The problem that I am running into is that .isDisplayed() is returning true when I use that. I have also used EC.visibilityOf() which returns true as well. The below works, I am just not happy with it and am wondering if there is a better way.

    navigationOpenClick() {
    if (this.EC.elementToBeSelected(this.navPage.companyName)) {;


  • My brain had some flatulence and forgot that .isDisplayed() returns a promise. Once I resolved the promise, the .isDisplayed() worked like it should.

    My not "hacky" working code is below:

       navigationOpenClick() {
        this.navPage.companyName.isDisplayed().then((displayed) => {
            if (!displayed) {