Goal : JS function to Split a string based on dot(from last) in O(n). There may be n number of ,.(commas or dots) in string.
str = '123.2345.34'
expected output 123.2345 and 34
Str = '123,23.34.23'
expected output 123,23.34 and 23
In order to split
a string matching only the last character like described you need to use regex "lookahead".
This simple example works for your case:
var array = '123.2345.34'.split(/\.(?=[^\.]+$)/);
Example with destructuring assignment (Ecmascript 2015)
const input = 'jquery.somePlugin.v1.6.3.js';
const [pluginName, fileExtension] = input.split(/\.(?=[^\.]+$)/);
console.log(pluginName, fileExtension);
However using either slice
or substring
with lastIndexOf
also works, and albeit less elegant it's much faster:
var input = 'jquery.somePlugin.v1.6.3.js';
var period = input.lastIndexOf('.');
var pluginName = input.substring(0, period);
var fileExtension = input.substring(period + 1);
console.log(pluginName, fileExtension);