I'm trying to build a sort of dynamic dashboard using Angular 1.5.8. I've made decent progress up until the final hurdle. Which is actually rendering the dynamic component.
I've tried 2 options, either adding a ui-view
and programatically passing in the name of the widget, or, and this is the route I'm guessing is more correct, I need to figure out how to render a dynamic widget.
For Example: As I append and item to the dashItems
collection, it should render a new widget (based on the name I've provided)
I have seen that I can swap out templates using ngInclude
, but I'm still unclear as to how to get a template and controller to be injected dynamically. (EG all my templates wont be sharing a common controller).
.module('myDashboard', [])
.component('dashboard', {
templateUrl: 'dashboard/dashboard.tpl.html',
controller: dashboardController
.component('widgetPie', {
template: '<h3>Pie Graph</h3>',
controller: function($log) {
$log.info('widgetPie: loaded');
.component('widgetLine', {
template: '<h3>Line Graph</h3>',
controller: function($log) {
$log.info('WidgetLine: loaded');
function routesConfig($stateProvider) {
// this is only needed if I go the ui-view route.. I assume
.state('widgetPie', { component: 'widgetPie'})
.state('widgetLine', { component: 'widgetLine'});
function dashboardController($log) {
$log.info('in dashboard');
this.dashItems = [
{ widget:'widgetPie' },
{ widget:'widgetLine' }
Markup (dashboard/dashboard.tpl.html):
<li ng-repeat="item in dashItems">
<!--somehow render dynamic-->
<!--<div ui-view="item.widget"></div>-->
I've looked into ngInclude
, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how to go about using it in this instance, and IF it is the right tool for this, or am I approaching this incorrectly?
2. Should I even be adding items to the state provider for this, EG i / could a widget be seen as a child state (thus I'm not sure what would be seen as best practice)
I ended up changing the dashboard.tpl.html
file to:
<li ng-repeat="item in dashItems">
<div ng-include="item.widget"></div>
But I also needed to add a build task to run through my widgets folder and generate the following (or you can manually add, whatever floats your boat I guess).
.run(function ($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('widgetPie', '<widget-pie></widget-pie>');
$templateCache.put('widgetLine', '<widget-line></widget-line>');
The above allows me to either use templateUrl
, or inline templates.
.component('widgetPie', {
templateUrl: 'dashboard/widgetPie.tpl.html',
controller: function($log) {
$log.info('widgetPie: loaded');
.component('widgetLine', {
template: '<h1>Some Content</h1>',
controller: function($log) {
$log.info('widgetLine: loaded');