
ISO/IEC 14443a CRC Calcuation

Hello everyone I am finishing the last section of my firmware for my NFC project. I am attempting to communicate with an AD-740 NFC Tag which uses NXP's MF0ULx1 MIFARE Ultralight EV1 - Contactless ticket IC. The NFC reader that I am using is NXP's CLRC663. I am controlling the NFC reader with a PSOC5LP device over SPI.

Now that you have all of the background information I will now ask my question.

For this particular NXP Read Method I need to encode my Cmd and Addr into a CRC of length 2 bytes. The datasheet, which I can link to, references ISO/IEC 14443. Searching that in Google brings me to the Wikipedia page, which then shows four sections of a PDF. I am assuming that I need section 4 the transmission protocol section. The only problem is this PDF is blocked by a pay wall. Is this intentional??

Scrounging around on the internet I have found a few code examples that may prevent me from purchasing a 170$ PDF just to look at a polynomial...

Code example 1 - I can post source link in comments. Don't have rep to do it in main post.

    // Calculate an ISO 14443a CRC. Code translated from the code in
    // iso14443a_crc().
    func ISO14443aCRC(data []byte) [2]byte {
        crc := uint32(0x6363)
        for _, bt := range data 
            bt ^= uint8(crc & 0xff)
            bt ^= bt << 4
            bt32 := uint32(bt)
            crc = (crc >> 8) ^ (bt32 << 8) ^ (bt32 << 3) ^ (bt32 >> 4)

       return [2]byte{byte(crc & 0xff), byte((crc >> 8) & 0xff)}

Code example 2 - I can post source link in comments. Don't have rep to do it in main post.

    void iso14443a_crc(byte_t* pbtData, size_t szLen, byte_t* pbtCrc)
      byte_t bt;
      uint32_t wCrc = 0x6363;

      do {
        bt = *pbtData++;
        bt = (bt^(byte_t)(wCrc & 0x00FF));
        bt = (bt^(bt<<4));
        wCrc = (wCrc >> 8)^((uint32_t)bt << 8)^((uint32_t)bt<<3)^((uint32_t)bt>>4);
      } while (--szLen);

      *pbtCrc++ = (byte_t) (wCrc & 0xFF);
      *pbtCrc = (byte_t) ((wCrc >> 8) & 0xFF);

And now on to my final question with all of this information... Would it be safe to assume that:

CRC polynomial is: 0x6363

Seed Value is: 0x00FF

A visual representation can be seen here


  • ISO14443A Polynomial is 0x8408, initial value is 0x6363.