I am trying to utilize a library i found on github
Here is my init code
CLIENT_ID = "the id string";
CLIENT_SECRET = "the secret string";
ACCESS_TOKEN = "token";
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "token secret";
PER_PAGE = 10;
vimeo = createObject("component", "models.vimeoService").init(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
//error occurs here
data = vimeo.call( "vimeo.albums.getVideos",
and I am getting the following error
Variable VIMEO is undefined.
not sure why exactly I am getting this, i mean even with the compnent being created it should define the variable
i know its a stretch, but any help on this at all would be greatly appreciated
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="void">
No, because that particular init()
function is a bit atypical, in that it returns void instead of an object. So the captured result becomes null or undefined.
Take another look at the example on the GitHub page. It creates an instance, but does not capture the result of init():
<cfset vimeo = createObject("component", "VimeoComponent")>
<cfset vimeo.init(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)>