I'm currently upgrading my AngularJS (ng1) app to Angular 2 (ng2).
I'm using Angular version 2.2.1.
When I'm importing UpgradeModule from @angular\upgrade\static I get the
following exception:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsnop is not defined
I'm using WebPack V1.13.1.
When I'm using the upgrade_adapter way I need to add the @Inject annotation.
Thanks for the Help.
This might be an Angular bug. You can have a temporal fix just to test what you are doing by deleting this file:
What is going on is that webpack is prioritizing the file below and that is why it is throwing that exception:
I wanted to leave this under comments, but I did not have the enough reputation to leave it there.