I am using polymer.I have array of objects it looks
{//same format repeats
I used nested dom-repeat,
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{pList}}" as="list">
<paper-item-body two-line>
<div secondary>[[list.name]]</div>
<template is="dom-repeat" items={{list.times}} as="time">
<paper-item-body on-tap="_handleTime" two-line>
I have on tap function in second dom-repeat,so on taping below function is called,here I can access time object. how can I access name and address which is in first dom-repeat using with 'e' reference as bellow? I tried parentElement but its not working!
_handleTime:function(e) {
console.log(e.model.time); //displays time obj i.e {start:12,End:5} but I'm trying to get {name,address,{start,end}}
console.log(e.parentElement);//gives error
//I'm trying to get entire object like {name:xxx,address:yyy,times:[]}
var item = this.$.firstRepeat.itemForElement(e.target);
where firstRepeat is the id of the first dom-repeat
check this example