
How to evaluate an Aurelia interpolation expression outside a view?

In Aurelia, let's say I have a string containing an interpolation expression "Today at ${value | date: 'time'}" and some object representing the binding context for this { value: new Date() }. Is there any way to, outside of a view, just take that string and that object, and get the resulting formatted string, i.e. "Today at 13:44"?

I looked at the tests, but they all involve creating an HTML element, binding, and then unbinding - I'm wondering what the performance overhead of all that might be, and whether there is an easier way to achieve this? It would be really awesome if there was a light-weight way to just evaluate such a string against a context object, without setting up and tearing down bindings, etc.


  • Here's an example:


    import {inject} from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';
    import {ViewResources} from 'aurelia-templating';
    import {Parser, createOverrideContext} from 'aurelia-binding';
    @inject(Parser, ViewResources)
    export class ExpressionEvaluator {
      constructor(parser, resources) {
        this.parser = parser;
        this.lookupFunctions = resources.lookupFunctions;
      evaluate(expressionText, bindingContext) {
        const expression = this.parser.parse(expressionText);
        const scope = {
          overrideContext: createOverrideContext(bindingContext)
        return expression.evaluate(scope, this.lookupFunctions);


    import {inject} from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';
    import {ExpressionEvaluator} from './expression-evaluator';
    export class App {
      message = 'Hello World!';
      constructor(evaluator) {
        this.message = evaluator.evaluate(' | test', { foo: { bar: { baz: 'it works' } } });


    I missed the fact that you need to parse an interpolation expression, not a regular binding expression...

    There's an example of this in aurelia-validation: