
Liferay 7 Service Builder doesn't auto update the database

In my Liferay 7 project, the Service Builder generates well the file tables.sql (with the complete sql) but doesn't include this content in the SERVICECOMPONENT native liferay table as it did for Liferay 6.2.

Therefore, when I restart the server, there is no update in the database whereas the data model has been modified.

I have to run manually the sql script included in tables.sql to solve temporarily the issue.

Does someone has reproduced this ? Is there any option (new in Liferay 7 ?) that I didn't know which can lead to this behavior.

Note : Of course, the option build.auto.upgrade (in service.properties) is set to true and there is no service-ext.properties which could override this


  • Yes, it's a sad thing about new version 7.0. And the community is waiting for a fix.

    Follow and vote this: https://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-67688


    The new version Liferay 7.0 GA5 now performs the database upgrade