I want to append a few lines at the end of /etc/sudoers file. Below is an example of lines I want to append.
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - root -c /etc/init.d/crond status
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - hadoop -c hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - hadoop -c klist
Can anyone suggest how to append this using a shell script?
cat >> /etc/sudoers << EOF
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - root -c /etc/init.d/crond status
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - hadoop -c hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get
nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su - hadoop -c klist