
Android MapBox SDK get fillLayer from GPS position

Is there a way to get the fillLayer added in mapboxMap from a GPS Position?

I have a map with many fillLayer from geoJsonSource, each of them has a value property. I want to know in which fillLayer the device is geographically so I can tell the user what is the value of the current place.

Each color represent the value I want to get from GPS position Each color represent the value I want to get from GPS position


  • You can use QueryRenderedFeature() to query a position and from that layer and then get the geojson property. An example doing this would be:

    final PointF pixel = mapboxMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(point);
    List<Feature> features = mapboxMap.queryRenderedFeatures(pixel, "my-layer");

    Now you should be able to grab the properties from the Feature object.