I'm trying to handle errors in Common Lisp easily, but I have some problems.
In particular, I have this function.
(defun function1 (m)
(ignore-errors (and (condition-1) (condition-2))
(format t "Error message")))
I just want that if some conditions fail into the
(and (condition-1) (condition-2))
it's shown the error message, otherwise just
How can I do? There is a better way to handle this type of errors? I looking for something very simple.
Someone can do an example showing how to use ignore-error?
Thank you.
You can use HANDLER-CASE
CL-USER 101 > (handler-case (and (evenp 2)
(oddp 1))
(error (c)
(princ c)
CL-USER 102 > (handler-case (and (evenp 2)
(/ 3 0)
(oddp 1))
(error (c)
(princ c)
Division-by-zero caused by / of (3 0).