
cannot import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either

I'm trying to learn how to use pipes together with attoparsec by following the tutorial https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-attoparsec- . But I was not able to import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either . In which lib is this module located?


  • You hit on an old version of pipes-attoparsec corresponding to an old version of pipes. With recent versions, something like the first example would be written without a pipe. We would use the parsed function, which just applies a parser repeatedly until it fails, streaming good parses as they come.

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Pipes
    import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
    import Pipes.Attoparsec
    import Data.Attoparsec.Text
    import Data.Text (Text)
    data Name = Name Text deriving (Show)
    hello :: Parser Name
    hello = fmap Name $ "Hello " *> takeWhile1 (/='.') <* "."
    helloparses :: Monad m =>  Producer Text m r -> Producer Name m (Either (ParsingError, Producer Text m r) r)
    helloparses = parsed hello 
    process txt = do 
      e <- runEffect $ helloparses txt >-> P.print
      case e of 
        Left (err,rest) -> print err >> runEffect (rest >-> P.print)
        Right ()        -> return ()
    input1, input2 :: Monad m => Producer Text m ()
    input1 = each
      [ "Hello Kate."
      , "Hello Mary.Hello Jef"
      , "f."
      , "Hel"
      , "lo Tom."
    input2 = input1 >> yield "garbage"

    Then we see

    -- >>> process input1
    -- Name "Kate"
    -- Name "Mary"
    -- Name "Jeff"
    -- Name "Tom"
    -- >>> process input2
    -- Name "Kate"
    -- Name "Mary"
    -- Name "Jeff"
    -- Name "Tom"
    -- ParsingError {peContexts = [], peMessage = "string"}
    -- "garbage"

    The other principle function pipes-attoparsec defined is just parse. This converts an attoparsec parser into a pipes StateT parser to parse an initial segment of a producer that matches the parser. You can read about them here http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/02/pipes-parse-30-lens-based-parsing.html