
Master Shape loses all properties when placed

I'm trying to create a shape in a stencil that has dynamic properties. When I rotate the Master Shape, I want the two shapes that comprise the master to rotate around each other while retaining their own orientation. Here are pictures of what I'm talking about

Vertical position

Diagonal position

I've gotten this to work by setting each shape angle=GUARD(0 deg), but when I pull the collection of shapes into a stencil and then pull it back out all the dynamic features are gone, the two shapes change orientation during rotation.

Thank you


  • You need to group the shapes in the mastershape itself. If they are not in a single group, then Visio will create the group for you automatically on drop, but that one will be a stock group. If you want some custom properties for a shape, you should create that group yourself when you create the mastershape.