I'm learning graphql and I think I've spot one flaw in it. Suppose we have schema like this
type Hero {
name: String
friends: [Person]
type Person {
name: String
and two queries
hero {
friends {
and this
hero {
And a relational database that have two corresponding tables Heros
and Persons
If my understanding is right I can't resolve this queries such that for the first query the resulting sql query would be
select Heros.name, Persons.name
from Heros, Persons
where Hero.name = 'Some' and Persons.heroid = Heros.id
And for the second
select Heros.name, Persons.name from Heros
So that only the fields that are really needed for the query would be loaded from the database.
Am I right about that? Also if graphql would have ability to return only the data that's needed for the query, not the data that's valid for full schema I think this would be possible, right?
In Scala implementation(Sangria-grahlQL) you can achieve this by following:
Suppose this is the client query:
query BookQuery {
Books(id:123) {
author {
And this is your QueryType in Garphql Server.
val BooksDataQuery = ObjectType(
"Gets books data",
fields[Repository, Unit](
Field("Books", ListType(BookType), arguments = bookId :: Nil, resolve = Projector(2, (context, fields) =>{ c.ctx.getBooks(c.arg(bookId), fields).map(res => res)}))
val BookType = ObjectType( ....)
val AuthorType = ObjectType( ....)
Repository class:
def getBooks(id: String, projectionFields: Vector[ProjectedName]) {
/* Here you have the list of fields that client specified in the query.
in this cse Book's id, title and author - id, name.
The fields are nested, for example author has id and name. In this case author will have sequence of id and name. i.e. above query field will look like:
Vector(ProjectedName(id,Vector()), ProjectedName(title,Vector()),ProjectedName(author,ProjectedName(id,Vector()),ProjectedName(name,Vector())))
Now you can put your own logic to read and parse fields the collection and make it appropriate for query in database. */
So basically, you can intercept specified fields by client in your QueryType's field resolver