This XCSDeviceService process is always on 25% CPU or more.
I think it's a background service for detecting devices to test on for Xcode Server. I installed Xcode server once on my local machine to test/play around with it. Now I have a second machine for CI, so i don't need it on my local machine anymore. I uninstalled the Server app, but the Xcode services are still running all the time. Also the Xcode Server symbol in the status bar is still there:
Any ideas how to stop/uninstall the Xcode services?
I installed the server app again and setup Xcode server and turned it off again (I didn't turn Xcode off before uninstalling the server app the last time). That stops the XCSDeviceService
only for this session. As soon as i log out and in again it restarts.
I simply had to remove the whole folder at:
Or run this command
sudo rm -r /Library/Developer/XcodeServer
Then log out and in again.