I'm going over continuations and I've come across two different approaches to structuring continuation types:
newtype C r a = C {runC :: (a -> r) -> r}
exampleFunction :: String -> C Bool String
exampleFunction s = C $ \t -> if length s > 10 then t s else False
continuationFunction :: String -> Bool
continuationFunction s = True
main = do
let suspendedFunc = exampleFunction "testing"
let completedFunc = runC suspendedFunc $ continuationFunction
versus the approach taken in Poor Mans Concurrency:
type C r a = (a -> r) -> r
exampleFunction :: String -> C Bool String
exampleFunction s = \t -> if length s > 10 then t s else False
I understand that the latter approach doesn't use an explicit data constructor.
Will this impact when I try to use this over a general type with a monad? Such as:
data Hole = Hole1 Int | Hole2 String
type C r m a = (a -> m r) -> m r
exampleFunction :: String -> C Bool Maybe Hole
exampleFunction s = \t -> do
x <- t (Hole1 11)
y <- t (Hole2 "test")
continuationFunction :: Hole -> Bool
continuationFunction (Hole1 x) = False
continuationFunction (Hole2 y) = True
The differences are the usual differences between type
and newtype
A type
synonym is just a new name for an existing type. type
synonyms can't be partially applied, because the compiler expands the definition during type checking. For example, this is no good, even with TypeSynonymInstances
type TypeCont r a = (a -> r) -> r
instance Monad (TypeCont r) where -- "The type synonym ‘TypeCont’ should have 2 arguments, but has been given 1"
return x = ($ x)
k >>= f = \q -> k (\x -> (f x) q)
s, while operationally equivalent to the types they wrap, are separate entities in the type system. This means that newtype
s can be partially applied.
newtype NewtypeCont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r }
instance Monad (NewtypeCont r) where
return x = Cont ($ x)
Cont k >>= f = Cont $ \q -> k (\x -> runCont (f x) q)