
Running Chrome Webrtc Logs

Due to some problem with failing Datachannel (onmessage stop working after 1 hour - approximately 1 GB data send), I was trying to get WebRTC logs on newest Chrome (57) for Windows.

I was trying with official instrction from

chrome.exe --enable-logging --vmodule=*/webrtc/*=2,*/libjingle/*=2,*=-2 --no-sandbox

And with redirected output


But without success.

I get chrome_debug.log but without any info from webrtc modules - have any one similar problem ? Are there any resolutions for that ?


  • After a few weeks of frustration I have get one Mac from my friend and on it everything is working like a charm

    Please note that you have to also set v level for entire chrome to get any logs

    So correct command for Mac looks like below

    open /Applications/Google\ --args --enable-logging --v=4  --vmodule=*/webrtc/*=1

    and then logs are posted to

    ~/Libraries/Application Support/Google/Chrome/chrome_debug.log

    It looks like there is a bug in Windows version of chrome which doesn't let you to see any logs from WebRTC.