
How to write Jasmine test cases for jQuery on() method

I am new to Jasmine. Appreciate if someone can please brief me about how to write test cases for the following jquery code:

$(document).on('startViewDetail', function(event, transactionId) {
  $(document).trigger('ClearMessages', [{
    containerName: 'EnterDetails'
  logger.debug('view transaction detail started');

var startViewTransaction = function(transactionId){...}

Thanks in anticipation!

Jasmine test case for the above code:

describe('Working with transaction details component', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
        spyOnEvent(document, 'startViewDetail');
        $(document).trigger('startViewDetail', mockDataObject.transactionId);
    it('test startViewTransaction', function() {
        spyOn(document, 'startViewTransaction').and.callFake(function(e) {
           console.log("This is a spy call for startViewTransaction");


  • This post has a broad scope so I'd start with one approach

    So here are a few things you need to ask before you want to unit test your code

    I personally do not feel the need to test jQuery methods. That simply diverts the aim to test the actual hand-written code. Having said that here is a sample test I've prepared based on your code.

    $(document).on('startViewDetail', function(event, transactionId) {
      $(document).trigger('ClearMessages', [{
        containerName: 'EnterDetails'
      console.log('view transaction detail started');
    var startViewTransaction = function(transactionId) {
      console.log('started transaction with transactionId: ' + transactionId);
    describe('sample test', function() {
      it('test startViewTransaction', function() {
        spyOn(window, 'startViewTransaction').and.callFake(function(e) {
          console.log("This is a spy call for startViewTransaction");
        var obj = $(document);
        obj.trigger('startViewDetail', 1);

    EDIT: Answering the comments: