
TypeScript unable to load / use table2excel

I'm using this plugin in my TypeScript webpart for SharePoint Online

I've included jquery and table2excel in the script and everything not related to table2excel is working fine.

import * as $ from 'jquery';

I have installed 'table2excel' by using npm i table2excel

Then when I try to use table2excel it returns the following error: ```

$(...).table2excel is not a function ```

    exclude: ".noExl",
    name: "title",
    filename: "title",
    fileext: ".xls",
    exclude_img: true,
    exclude_links: true,
    exclude_inputs: true

Why can't I get it to work?


  • You're pulling in the wrong package. You need to use jquery-table2excel instead of table2excel.

    It looks like the NPM packages times out. The package is available through Bower (which you can ref as an import) or you can link directly to CDN assets. Here's an example to show you with import directly from URL.

    $('#download').on('click', function(){
        exclude: ".noExl",
        name: "Excel Document Name",
        filename: "myExcelFile.xls",
        fileext: ".xls",
        exclude_img: true,
        exclude_links: true,
        exclude_inputs: true
    body {
      font-family: Arial;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
    table {
      border-collapse: collapse;
    table thead tr th {
      background: #f0f0f0;
      border-bottom: 2px solid #ddd;
    table th,
    table td {
      padding: 5px;
    button {
      background: navy;
      color: white;
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/rainabba/jquery-table2excel/1.1.0/dist/jquery.table2excel.min.js"></script>
    <table class="table2excel" data-tableName="Test Table 1">
        <tr class="noExl"><th>This shouldn't get exported</th><th>This shouldn't get exported either</th></tr>
        <tr><th>This Should get exported as a header</th><th>This should too</th></tr>
          <td>data1a with a <a href="#">link one</a> and <a href="#">link two</a>.</td>
          <td>data1b with a <img src="image_file.jpg" alt="image">.</td></tr>
          <td>data2a with a <input tyle="text" value="text value">.</td>
          <td>data2b with a <input tyle="text" value="second text value">.</td>
        <tr><td colspan="2">This footer spans 2 cells</td></tr>
    <table class="table2excel" data-tableName="Test Table 2">
        <tr class="noExl"><td>This shouldn't get exported</td><td>This shouldn't get exported either</td></tr>
        <tr><td>This Should get exported as a header</td><td>This should too</td></tr>
        <tr><td colspan="2">This footer spans 2 cells</td></tr>
    <button id="download">Download</button>

    or using table2excel (not the jQuery plugin)


    npm i table2excel --save


    import 'table2excel';
    const Table2Excel = window.Table2Excel;
    const table2excel = new Table2Excel({
      exclude: ".noExl",
      name: "Excel Document Name",
      filename: "myExcelFile",
      exclude_img: true,
      exclude_links: true,
      exclude_inputs: true