I'm trying to install sqitch on Windows 10 after installing it with CPAN using latest Strawberry Perl.
cat NEWS >ReleaseNotes
'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
dmake.exe: Error code 129, while making 'ReleaseNotes'
C:\Projects\STRAWB~1\c\bin\dmake.exe -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Locale::Messages'.
Unfortunately dependency Locale::Messages fails to install. Is it trying to invoke linux "cat" command on Windows? Is there a workaround?
I have just installed App::Sqitch
on my copy of Strawberry Perl
It has created this file
If you don't have that file then it sounds like your installation didn't work properly
If you do have that file, but you cannot run it without providing the full path, then C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin
isn't in your PATH