From the link here if you scroll down to the example with the button label 'Reopen Modal' They seem to be triggering the modal from javascript. I have tried Ember.$('.modal).modal('show')
with no luck, and cant seem to figure out a way to trigger it from js.
My goal is, after a user submits a form and it is successfully validated, the modal appears.
{{#bs-form model=register onSubmit=(action 'submit') novalidate=true as |form|}}
{{form.element controlType="text" label="Username" placeholder="Username" property="username"}}
{{form.element controlType="password" label="Password" placeholder="Password" property="password"}}
{{bs-button defaultText="Submit" type="outline-success" buttonType="submit"}}
{{#bs-modal-simple open=modal1 title="Modal" renderInPlace=true}}
This is a Modal.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
submit() {
No. The modal would be shown by a boolean property.
actions: {
submit() {
this.set('modal1', true);