I'm trying to run Linux on my Altera DE2-115 FPGA according to instructions. Obviously the first part works:
$ quartus_pgm -m jtag -c USB-Blaster[2-2] -o "p;tPad_Selector.sof"
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Programmer
Info: Version 16.1.0 Build 196 10/24/2016 SJ Lite Edition
Info: Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
Info: the Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other
Info: applicable license agreement, including, without limitation,
Info: that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
Info: devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its
Info: authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
Info: agreement for further details.
Info: Processing started: Mon Mar 13 17:10:04 2017
Info: Command: quartus_pgm -m jtag -c USB-Blaster[2-2] -o p;tPad_Selector.sof
Info (213045): Using programming cable "USB-Blaster [2-2]"
Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-close.c: 811: _dl_close: Assertion `map->l_init_called' failed!
Info (213011): Using programming file tPad_Selector.sof with checksum 0x00BBDF04 for device EP4CE115F29@1
Info (209060): Started Programmer operation at Mon Mar 13 17:10:05 2017
Info (209016): Configuring device index 1
Info (209017): Device 1 contains JTAG ID code 0x020F70DD
Info (209007): Configuration succeeded -- 1 device(s) configured
Info (209011): Successfully performed operation(s)
Info (209061): Ended Programmer operation at Mon Mar 13 17:10:11 2017
Info: Quartus Prime Programmer was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 453 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Mon Mar 13 17:10:11 2017
Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:07
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01
Then I get problems that I don't understand:
$ nios2-flash-programmer --epcs --base=0x0a001800 tPad_Selector.flash
Using cable "USB-Blaster [2-2]", device 1, instance 0x00
Resetting and pausing target processor:
No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216]
Unable to use EPCS device
Leaving target processor paused
I searched the Altera forums about it and couldn't understand. What is it that I'm supposed to do?
I've formatted the SD card with 3 partitions: ext3, fat and swap. Maybe the SD card is not compatible or what could it be?
The debug output:
$ nios2-flash-programmer --epcs --debug --base=0x0a001800 tPad_Selector.flash
Using cable "USB-Blaster [2-2]", device 1, instance 0x00
Resetting and pausing target processor:
Processor data bus width is 32 bits
Looking for EPCS registers at address 0x0A001800 (with 32bit alignment)
Initial values: 0001703A 04C00074 9801483A 9CFFF804 1CE7FF8983FFD1E 0000203A
Not here: reserved fields are non-zero
Looking for EPCS registers at address 0x0A001900 (with 32bit alignment)
Initial values: 92400237 4A40100C 483FFD26 90000135 1CE7FF892400237 4A40200C
Not here: reserved fields are non-zero
Looking for EPCS registers at address 0x0A001A00 (with 32bit alignment)
Initial values: 108001C4 1004D0FA 002EE03A 003F9C06 1CE7FF8002EE03A 003F9506
Not here: reserved fields are non-zero
Looking for EPCS registers at address 0x0A001B00 (with 32bit alignment)
Initial values: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1CE7FF800000000 00000000
Not here: SPI_SLAVE_SEL has 0 valid bits (should be between 1 and 16)
Looking for EPCS registers at address 0x0A001C00 (with 32bit alignment)
Initial values: 00000000 00000000 00000260 00000000 1CE7FF800000000 00000001
Valid registers found
EPCS signature is 0x16
EPCS identifier is 0x010216
No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216]
Unable to use EPCS device
Leaving target processor paused
Your instruction (which is not for DE2-115, but for another board) give directions for the error you got:
No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] .
NOTE: When you execute the 'nios2-flash-programmer' command, you may get an error like No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] . In such case, please refer the Altera forum page for the 'nios2-flash-programmer' or the section "A. Non-Standard Flash Memories" of "Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide" at pp.23.
Did you check "Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide" https://www.altera.com/en_US/pdfs/literature/ug/ug_nios2_flash_programmer.pdf part A. Non-Standard Flash Memories?
To use the procedures in this section, you need the data sheet for the flash memory device you are using. Make sure you fully understand the CFI aspects of the device. Some CFI flash memory devices contain missing or incorrect CFI table information. In such cases, the Nios II Flash Programmer might fail based on the erroneous information in the CFI table. For these devices, the Nios II Flash Programmer provides the following methods to override the CFI table and successfully program flash memory ... Always try using built-in recognition and override before trying to create an override file. To determine whether the flash programmer recognizes the device, run the flash programmer from the command line with the
option. If the flash programmer overrides the CFI table, the flash programmer displays a message "Override data for this device is built in".
What are flash devices on original VEEK/T-pad & DE2-115 boards?
What does nios2-flash-programmer --epcs --debug --base=0x0a001800 tPad_Selector.flash
command outputs?