
What is the advantage to using Bloom filters?

I am reading up on Bloom filters and they just seem silly. Anything you can accomplish with a bloom filter, you could accomplish in less space, more efficiently, using a single hash function rather than multiple, or that's what it seems. Why would you use a bloom filter and how is it useful?


  • From Wikipedia:

    Bloom filters have a strong space advantage over other data structures for representing sets, such as self-balancing binary search trees, tries, hash tables, or simple arrays or linked lists of the entries. Most of these require storing at least the data items themselves, which can require anywhere from a small number of bits, for small integers, to an arbitrary number of bits, such as for strings (tries are an exception, since they can share storage between elements with equal prefixes). Linked structures incur an additional linear space overhead for pointers. A Bloom filter with 1% error and an optimal value of k, on the other hand, requires only about 9.6 bits per element — regardless of the size of the elements. This advantage comes partly from its compactness, inherited from arrays, and partly from its probabilistic nature. If a 1% false positive rate seems too high, each time we add about 4.8 bits per element we decrease it by ten times.

    Pretty clear to me.

    A bloom filter doesn't store the elements themselves, this is the crucial point. You don't use a bloom filter to test if an element is present, you use it to test whether it's certainly not present, since it guarantees no false negatives. This lets you not do extra work for elements that don't exist in a set (such as disk IO to look them up).

    And all in significantly less space than something like a hash table (which is likely going to be partially on disk for large data sets). Though you may use a bloom filter in conjunction with a structure like a hash table, once you're certain the element has a chance of being present.

    So an example usage pattern might be:

    You've got a lot of data, on disk -- you decide on what error bound you want (e.g. 1%), that prescribes the value of m. Then the optimal k is determined (from the formula given in the article). You populate your filter from this disk-bound data once.

    Now you have the filter in RAM. When you need to process some element, you query your filter to see if it stands a chance of existing in your data set. If it doesn't, no extra work is done. No disk reads, etc. (Which you would have to do if it were a hash or tree, etc).

    Otherwise, if the filter says "Yes, it's in there", there's a 1% chance that it's wrong, so you do the necessary work to find out. 99% of the time, it really will be there, so the work was not for naught.