
Checking sudo in Bash (script with if statements)

I've been working with bash for not more than 6 hours, and now I'm trying to create a menu that allows you to do some "fun" stuff :D.

My problem is with the if statement that check if you're in sudo mode. I want to have 3 conditions:

  1. If I execute the script with sudo mode, I'll be able to enter the path of the folder to be copied.
  2. If I execute the script without sudo mode, it'll ask me to insert the password, if I do that correctly the script will show me the echo and read op that allows me to write the path of the folder to be copied.
  3. The same as the point 2, but if I fail the authentication the application will be closed automatically.

Create a copy

    if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
            echo "Checking if you are in sudo mode..."
            echo "Error, please insert your password:"
            sudo ls /root
            if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
                    echo -e "\nCould not authenticate the user."
                    echo -e "For security reasons the application will be closed."
                echo "==============================================================="
                echo -e "ALL COPIES HAVE A DEFAULT ROUTE: /home/patryk/Desktop/a/"
                echo "==============================================================="
                echo -e "Enter the path of the folder to be copied: "
                read origin
                rsync -avzh $origin /home/patryk/Desktop/a/`date-I`
        echo "==============================================================="
        echo -e "ALL COPIES HAVE A DEFAULT ROUTE: /home/patryk/Desktop/a/"
        echo "==============================================================="
        echo -e "Enter the path of the folder to be copied: "
        read origin
        rsync -avzh $origin /home/patryk/Desktop/a/`date -I`    


  • If you have sudo credentials caching enabled (that is, after a successful sudo, you don't have to enter the password again for subsequent sudos) you could use the following trick:

    Execute sudo true and check the return status. If the correct password was entered, the exit code will always be 0. Otherwise the exit code will be different.

    if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then
        echo "(1) already root"
        sudo -k # make sure to ask for password on next sudo ✱
        if sudo true; then
            echo "(2) correct password"
            echo "(3) wrong password"
            exit 1
    # Do your sudo stuff here. Password will not be asked again due to caching.

    ✱ Assuming a standard configuration, where you have to enter your password at least sometimes when using sudo. If your user is configured for passwordless sudo (see NOPASSWD in/etc/sudoers) then this won't work.