
AngularJS: uncheck checkboxes with no ng-model attribute

I want to uncheck all checkboxes when press some button. I need to do this on AngularJS (no jQuery). My checkboxes don't have ng-model attribute. How I can uncheck them? My HTML structure:

    <li ng-repeat="channel in channelsList">
         <div class="checkbox">
             <label><input type="checkbox" value="" ng-click="isChecked(">
                <img src="images/checkbox-unchecked.png" alt="" class="unchecked">
                <img src="images/checkbox.png" alt="" class="checked"><span>{{}}</span>

My channelsList is only an array of objects with 2 properties: id and name.

Thanks for helping!


  • Bind checkbox ng-model to a _selected property. Please note that I use _selected and not selected in case your API would in a near future return a selected property that would collide with this one.


    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en" ng-app="app">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src="script.js"></script>
    <body ng-controller="SampleController">
            <li ng-repeat="channel in channelsList">
                 <input type="checkbox" ng-model="channel._selected" /> {{}} (id={{}})
        <button ng-click="uncheckAll()">Uncheck all</button>


    angular.module('app', []);
    angular.module('app').controller('SampleController', function ($scope) {
        $scope.channelsList = [
         {id: 'c1', name: 'CNN'}, 
         {id: 'c2', name: 'BBC'},
         {id: 'c3', name: 'Discovery Channel'}
        $scope.uncheckAll = function() {
            angular.forEach($scope.channelsList, function (channel) {
                channel._selected = false;

    Here is the plunker :