
Unable to prove this language is not context-free using Pumping Lemma

I'm trying to prove that the language { w ϵ {a, b, c}* | n_a(w) < n_b(w) and n_a(w) < n_c(w) } is not a CFL using Pumping Lemma. The symbol "n_a" represents "number of 'a'".

For pumping lemma, z = u(v^i)x(w^i)y, |vxw| <= m, |vw| >= 1.

I've chosen to use the string z = (a^m)b^(m+1)c^(m+1) to show this isn't a CFL.

However, I get stuck on the following case.

Assume 'uvx' represents the (a^m) portion of 'z', 'w' represents the beginning of the (b^m) portion of 'z' and 'y' represents the rest of 'z'.

Now pumping for i = 2, we get z' = u(v^2)x(w^2)y = a^(m + |v|)b^(m + 1 + |w|)c^(m + 1).

Whenever |v| ≠ 0, we see that this isn't in the language, since n_a(z') is not less than n_c(z'). However, for the case where |v| = 0, we get z' = a^(m)b^(m + 1 + |w|)c^(m + 1), which IS in the language. Therefore, pumping with i = 2 would not work. Is this correct?

I tried with other values of 'i', but I'm still not able to prove this language is not a CFL. What am I doing wrong? Is this language actually context-free? Should I be using a completely different 'z' string?


  • Let R be a non-terminal that indicates the following:

    There are no more a than there are b or c in the final product

    Stated alternatively:

    For w ϵ G(R), n_a(w) <= n_b(b) and n_a(w) <= n_c(w)

    So the rules for this guy are (let ϵ be the empty string):

    R => ϵ
    R => bR
    R => Rb
    R => cR
    R => Rc
    R => abcR
    R => abRc
    R => aRbc
    R => Rabc
    R => acbR
    R => acRb
    R => aRcb
    R => Racb
    R => bacR
    R => baRc
    R => bRac
    R => Rbac
    R => bcaR
    R => bcRa
    R => bRca
    R => Rbca
    R => cbaR
    R => cbRa
    R => cRba
    R => Rcba
    R => cabR
    R => caRb
    R => cRab
    R => Rcab

    Those 29 are all the possibles transformations that guarantees that any word derived from R will have no more as than bs and no more as than cs.

    But the question isn't about G(R), it is stated explicitly that n_a(w) <= n_b(b) and n_a(w) <= n_c(w). So, I'll have 3 more non-terminals:

    1. S, the start point
    2. B, derived directly or indirectly from S and guaranteed to have at least one more b than a (considering how it"isborn")
    3. C, derived directly or indirectly from S and guaranteed to have at least one more c than a (considering how it"isborn")

    My strategy will be the following:

    Those non-terminals will all be similar to R, but they won't have any empty transformation; also, from S I'll have a transformation that will generate bB, or Bb, or cC, or Cc; from B, it is guaranteed to have at least one b more than a, then it will have a transformation to cR or Rc; and for C, transformation to bR or Rb

    So, this will be my complete grammar, starting with S:

    S => bB
    S => Bb
    S => cC
    S => Cc
    S => bS
    S => Sb
    S => cS
    S => Sc
    S => abcS
    S => abSc
    S => aSbc
    S => Sabc
    S => acbS
    S => acSb
    S => aScb
    S => Sacb
    S => bacS
    S => baSc
    S => bSac
    S => Sbac
    S => bcaS
    S => bcSa
    S => bSca
    S => Sbca
    S => cbaS
    S => cbSa
    S => cSba
    S => Scba
    S => cabS
    S => caSb
    S => cSab
    S => Scab
    B => cS
    B => Sc
    B => bB
    B => Bb
    B => cB
    B => Bc
    B => abcB
    B => abBc
    B => aBbc
    B => Babc
    B => acbB
    B => acBb
    B => aBcb
    B => Bacb
    B => bacB
    B => baBc
    B => bBac
    B => Bbac
    B => bcaB
    B => bcBa
    B => bBca
    B => Bbca
    B => cbaB
    B => cbBa
    B => cBba
    B => Bcba
    B => cabB
    B => caBb
    B => cBab
    B => Bcab
    C => bR
    C => Rb
    C => bC
    C => Cb
    C => cC
    C => Cc
    C => abcC
    C => abCc
    C => aCbc
    C => Cabc
    C => acbC
    C => acCb
    C => aCcb
    C => Cacb
    C => bacC
    C => baCc
    C => bCac
    C => Cbac
    C => bcaC
    C => bcCa
    C => bCca
    C => Cbca
    C => cbaC
    C => cbCa
    C => cCba
    C => Ccba
    C => cabC
    C => caCb
    C => cCab
    C => Ccab
    R => ϵ
    R => bR
    R => Rb
    R => cR
    R => Rc
    R => abcR
    R => abRc
    R => aRbc
    R => Rabc
    R => acbR
    R => acRb
    R => aRcb
    R => Racb
    R => bacR
    R => baRc
    R => bRac
    R => Rbac
    R => bcaR
    R => bcRa
    R => bRca
    R => Rbca
    R => cbaR
    R => cbRa
    R => cRba
    R => Rcba
    R => cabR
    R => caRb
    R => cRab
    R => Rcab